Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The cutest thing just happened. We live on a very public street corner. In fact, we're the only house on the corner. Across from us on the one street is the primary school. On another is the WIC office (kitty-corner was an abandoned warehouse until about a month ago when UPS moved some trucks in). There is also no sidewalk on one side, so people walk through the yard all the time. Liam loves to watch the cars and trucks go by and the occasional field trip of 1st graders walking in their little hand-holding duck lines. He sometimes gets the kids to wave back.

I had the window open and the curtains drawn back and was just sitting down in the recliner by said window putting Colin on the boob. I hear the distinct sounds of a family walking through our front lawn and then I hear "Gato! Gato!" and then the sounds of a parent telling her little girl to come back in Spanish. Poppy was in the window and I pull the curtain aside a little and see a little girl (maybe 3) standing on opur front porch looking at the cat. She was so intent on Poppy that she didn't see me looking at her. She's still talking to Poppy in Spanish. Then Liam noticed me looking out the window and went to the plaid chair, pulled the curtain back to look out, and said "hello baby" to the little girl. That startled her and she squealed (like an "I've been caught" scream) and ran back to join her mom, dad, brother, and baby who were all standing on the corner.

Ahh, gotta love the nosy neighbors.

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