Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok, so I finally feel like I should give into some of my cravings. I won't say I've been a perfect angel on this gestational diabetes diet or anything. I've snuck quite a few candies into my mouth over the last 9 months (especially at candy-corn season). But I don't normally say gee I have a craving for something I shouldn't eat Honey go get it for me. Well tonight I had to have jelly beans. And Jon was perfectly willing to go out and get some for me after dinner (which was good, he made spaghetti and his sauce is improving each time he makes it - but it's still not as good as mine). Well, I happened to post about it on Facebook in my status update.

About 20 minutes later there's a knock at our back door. A coworker who lives 2 blocks from us had literally run to our house to bring me jelly beans!!! My husband says "Chaz, you're a better husband than I." Then I look at the giant bag of beans and say, "He sure is. He brough me belly flops!!!" (For those of you not in the know, belly flops are rejected Jelly Belly jelly beans and we live very close to the Jelly Belly factory - in Fairfield, CA. They sell the flops at the factory only and you can buy 2 lb. bags for about $5.) Yeah, because my husband would have brought back whatever sad excuse for jelly beans he could find at our little podunk grocery or the Rite-Aid; instead Chaz brought me Jelly Belly beans!!!

Awesome opossum. What a fun group of friends. Next time, I need to say I'm craving wiskey or bourbon (since Chaz is a connoisseur of fire water) and maybe he'll run over with that too.

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