Thursday, April 8, 2010

OMG I'm Old

So I've been thinking about trying for another baby and know there will need to be some changes in my lifestyle to get prepared. With Husbter going to the doctor for checkups this week and getting come blood tests done et al, it's more on my brain. So I logged back on to my Real Age account. My age versus my real age actually increased by a whole year and I'm now 36.6 y/o (according to my body and my lifestyle) rather than my 30.58 years. I joined an online group dedicated to lowering your age in 8 weeks (coincidentally the time between now and our cruise for my belated 30th birthday trip).

So, in the interest of full disclosure. Here's is my list of things I need to do to reduce my age:
  1. get HDL cholesterol levels checked
  2. talk w/ doc about depression meds/therapy classes
  3. reduced speed when driving
  4. don't talk on phone while driving - even hands free
  5. reduced alcoholic drinks to 1/day
  6. floss every day
  7. talk with friends and family more often
  8. take multi-vitamin/supplements: folate 700iu, vitamin E 400iu, vitamin C 1200mg
  9. reduce red meant to 1-2 servings/week
  10. more omega-3 fatty acids (2+ fish servings/week)
  11. more potassium-rich foods 3000mg/day
  12. more whole grains 6-11 servings/day
  13. diversity in diet
  14. eat a rainbow
  15. 90 minutes of weight training/week (13 min/day)
  16. 210 minutes of cardio/week (30 min/day)
  17. shed extra weight (5% is a good start)
  18. 30 min/week of stretching (5 min/day)
  19. then add 10 more minutes/week of exercise

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